Sage is a powerful herb that has been used for centuries to achieve altered states of consciousness in healing rituals. The act of burning sage and using the sage smoke to cleanse is called smudging, which has been traditionally used to safeguard against negativity, clearing / cleansing energy, and soothing anxiety. When burning sage allow the smoke to waft and effortlessly pass through the air. Smudging a gemstone can also help to clear / cleanse and recharge the energy in the stone so that it can work more efficiently.
When using sage please be very careful, as you would any item that you light with a flame. Lightly blow it out so the embers are glowing and the sage isn’t fully on fire, bring the smoke into your heart, over your head and down the front and back of your body to cleanse yourself. You can also cleanse your home, workspace, or environment to clear any stagnant / negative energy.
For questions on how to use sage please contact us.
Each sage bundle is sold individually.